Can You Block a Serve in Volleyball?

Key Takeaways

  • A serve is a play in which a player attempts to hit the ball over the net and into the opposing team’s court.
  • The receiving team is not allowed to block or spike a served ball.
  • Blocking a serve is not allowed to ensure fairness and equal opportunity for all players.
  • Players can block a serve by making contact with the ball above the net.

What is SERVE in Volleyball?

A serve in volleyball is a play in which a player attempts to hit the ball over the net and into the opposing team’s court. The ball must be hit over the net and land inside the lines of the court.

Players can serve underarm or overarm, but the jump or spike serve is the most popular technique. Each player gets only one chance to serve.

The serve can touch the net and continue into the opponent’s court, however, prior to the 2020-21 season, a net touch on service would end the rally and award the point to the receiving team.

When the serving team loses a rally, it loses the right to serve, and the receiving team then rotates one position on the court.

Can you block Serve?

No, you cannot block a serve in volleyball. According to the rules of the game, the receiving team is not allowed to block or spike a served ball. When the ball is served, it must be contacted by the spiker on their own side of the net.

Additionally, back line players within the attack zone are not allowed to play the ball directly into the opposite court if any part of the ball is above the net. The only exception is when a team blocks the ball, in which case they get three more contacts, with the blocker having the first hit.

Why can’t you block a serve in volleyball?

Blocking a serve in volleyball is not allowed because it would undermine the fairness of the game and give an unfair advantage to taller players. The rule limiting the blocking of serves is designed to ensure that all players, regardless of age or ability, have an equal chance to enjoy the game. This is particularly true for non-professional and junior players who play for fun and exercise. Constant blocking would discourage this, as it would make it difficult for teams to rally and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with playing the game.

Additionally, allowing players to constantly block the serve would remove the advantage that the serving team normally has. This would make the game less enjoyable for all players, as there would be little incentive to serve. The rule is also important for competitive play, as it prevents taller players from dominating the court. By preventing blocking of the serve, everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

Overall, blocking the serve in volleyball is not allowed because it would create an unfair playing environment and take away from the enjoyment of the game. This rule is especially important for junior and non-professional players, as it ensures that everyone can enjoy the game and have an equal chance to succeed.

Block a serve without jumping

Although jumping is illegal, players can still block a serve by making contact with the ball above the net. However, it is rare to have a situation where the ball partially crosses the net and the contact is entirely below the top of the net. Tall players cannot block a serve even if they can reach over the net because anything below the height of the net is categorized as an attack, not a block.

Players can block a serve without jumpingRare to have a situation where contact is below the top of the net
Tall players can reach over the netAnything below the net is considered an attack
Contact must be above the netJumping is still illegal
Tall players cannot block a serve

Can you send back a serve from first touch?

Although it is not recommended, it is possible to send back a serve from the first touch. This is commonly seen in junior levels of the sport, as the serving team can gain an advantage this way. This is because they can get into position and set the ball for a spike, which can give them the upper hand.

In beach volleyball however, players are not able to play the serve directly back over the net in certain conditions. This includes if the ball has not passed over the highest point of the net or if the ball has not been in contact with the ground before it is played over the net.

Therefore, while it is possible to block a serve without jumping, it is not always allowed and should be done with caution. It is important to know the rules of the sport to ensure that the game is played fairly and according to the regulations.


In conclusion, it is possible to block a serve in volleyball. However, it is not advisable to do so due to the risk of committing a fault.

It is also possible to return a serve from first touch, although this is not a common technique.

As such, it is important for players to understand the rules of the game in order to maximize their performance.